March 23 - Sunday Liturgy
Mass | Priest | Language | Intentions |
Sat. 5:00 | English | Louise and Paul Battaglia | |
Sun. 10:15 | English | Laura Sparks | |
Sun. 1:00 | Spanish | For the people |

The Parable of the Fig Tree
And he told them this parable:
“There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard,
and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none,
he said to the gardener,
‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree
but have found none.
So cut it down...


Mass Schedule
Mass Schedule
Check bulletin for any changes.
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:15 AM; 1:00 PM (Spanish)
Monday: 12:00 PM
Tuesday: 12:00 PM
Wednesday: 6:30 PM
Thursday: 12:00 PM
Friday: 12:00 PM

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 21 - 12:30 and 5:30
Youth Group- Fr. Ben
Special Intention for the Youth locally and worldwide, for Life and the unborn.
We have placed all of the available copies and booklets of a variety of "Way of the Cross" in the sacristy in a plastic container.

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wed., Fri., and Sat.
Wednesdays: 5:30—6:15 PM
Fridays: 11:00-11:45 AM
Saturday: 4:00-4:45 PM
...and by appointment

Divine Mercy Chaplet
Divine Mercy Chaplet
After 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday
All are invited to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Please join us up front on the Tabernacle side of church.

Holy Hour Adoration
Holy Hour Adoration
Wednesdays 5:30
When we make a Holy Hour, we remain and stay awake with Jesus. We are present to God for a full hour without distraction. Bring Him your own agony, suffering, or gratitude as Christ did.


Holy Land Art
Weekend of March 22 and 23
Ashraf and Sarnia Saed a Catholic couple from the Holy Land will be visiting our Parish to market Olive Wood carved religious articles made by the Christian Artisans in the Holy Land.

Easter Lillies
On Sale Now!
We are now taking orders for Easter lillies to be purchased in memory and honor of loved ones this Easter season.
Easter lillies can be puchased for $28.00
Please call 606-678-5051 or stop by the church office to order.

Lenten Fish Fry
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Every Friday during Lent, lunch and dinner will be served at the O'Bryan Center. Lunch is $8.00 and dinner is $12.00. Dinner is from 5:00-7:00 PM.

In these three beautiful talks, Monsignor James Shea guides us along the Stations of the Cross, teaching us how to open our hearts more to the suffering and loneliness of Jesus on His way to Calvary. Weaving together the insights of keen believers like Fr. Richard Neuhaus, Caryll Houselander, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Dr. James Edwards, these powerful meditations take us into the depths of Christ's agony, and back out again into the joy of what His sacrifice means for us.
Already have an account? Sign in now!

Coffee Call
After Sunday 10:15 Mass
All are welcome to join us after mass at the O'Bryan Center
If you are interested vounteering, please call Ginger Cyganiewicz at 571.643.6619


Game Night
6:30 PM
O'Bryan Center
All parishioners at their guiests are invited!

Game Night
6:30 PM
O'Bryan Center
Bring your friends, this is a community event open to all adults!

Senior Potluck
After Mass on Thursday at 12:30.
O'Bryan Center
Come join in the fun, food and fellowship!

St. Mildred
Please remember that your parish contributions are vital. Please drop your offertory in the collection basket or mail to the church office at: 203 S. Central Ave., Somerset, KY 42501.
You can also sign up for online giving. Just click on the Image and it will walk you through the simple process. If you want to sign up and need assistance, please call Marchetta at 606-678-5051.
Kroger and St. Mildred's
Currently, the parish receives close to $1,000 per year with this program.
Most people who shop at Kroger have a Kroger Plus card. It is as simple as linking your card to St. Mildred Church.
It is super easy to add St. Mildred to your account!
Just sign in to your Kroger account
Search for our church—it is listed as St. Mildred’s Church. Our Organization # is UB386.
Select St. Mildred’s Church and click save.
March 16 - Sunday Liturgy
Mass | Priest | Language | Intentions |
Sat. 5:00 | English | Louise and Paul Battaglia | |
Sun. 10:15 | English | Laura Sparks | |
Sun. 1:00 | Spanish | For the people |

The Transfiguration
Like Advent, Lent is a season of preparation—in this case, for Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and the glory of his resurrection. We prepare our souls through repentance and our bodies through fasting. We prepare our relationship with God through prayer and our relationship with others through almsgiving.
In today’s reading, in the midst of all our preparation, we are given a preview of Christ’s risen glory when he appears transfigured to Peter, John, and James. May the promise of a life transfigured encourage us as we continue to prepare for Easter glory